Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Photoshop Time-Jump Composites

Silly Woman, This is a Lab, Not a Kitchen

Guitar Hero: Bluegrass Edition


  1. When I look at the bottom collage, I can't help but smile and chuckle a little bit. When I look at the girl, she is obviously upset that she has to wait her turn. The collage is definetly believable, except for her holding a real guitar. I think it would be even more hilarious if you would have her holding a guitar hero guitar.

  2. what i see is a collage of a current picture of two guys playing rock band and a girl with an actual acoustic guitar from the past collaged in between the two guys. This picture reminds me of how bad I am at rock band and the transition of back then to now of how different our lifestyles are from people in the olden days. You can tell she's collaged in because of the difference in color or quality of the pictures. What I remember most when I look away from the image is the little girls hat with the flower headband. The different colors really stood out to me.
